Aurum Physiotherapy for Workers Compensation

Have you recently experienced an injury at work?

Aurum Physiotherapy can help you recovery and get back to work.

When booking your initial assessment, please let us know whether or not you intend on claiming Workers Compensation for your physiotherapy services. 

What is Workers Compensation Physio?

Workers Compensation Physiotherapy involves treatment for a work-related injury that occurred at work. We aims to assist your recovery in returning to work so that you are able to perform all work duties pain-free at full functional capacity.

How do you get started?

You will need to see your doctor prior to attending your first appointment. Your GP will fill out the necessary paperwork to create your workers compensation claim. You will also need to notify your work.

What information do you need to provide?

At your initial consultation with us, you will need to provide us with your claim number, insurer details, employer details, and date of injury. Please bring your Certificate of Capacity, which will be provided to you by your GP when they set up the claim as well as any scan results or reports.

How many physiotherapy sessions are covered?

In most cases, your insurer will automatically cover your first 8 Physiotherapy sessions. If you require ongoing treatment, your Physiotherapist will submit the required paperwork to your insurer for approval, outlining details of necessary treatment and management of your injury or condition.

What will your journey be like?

We will complete a thorough assessment with you and explain why you are symptoms.

A tailored treatment plan will be formed to help address your symptoms with goals set to help you improve your mobility, strength and endurance.

Regular functional and lifting assessments will be performed to track your progress. Click here to see an example of assessments we will do with you.

Progression strategies will be discussed with you to help guide you towards being confident returning to work with suitable duties.

How do I get started?

If you are injured at work, please report it to your supervisor/employer.

You will need to see the GP to get the necessary paperwork completed.

After receiving your claim number and Certificate of Capacity, book in an initial consultation with us.

You can do this by clicking here, emailing us at or SMS/calling us on 0402 832 329.