Is your pain coming from somewhere else?

You’ve probably had some sort of pain before.

I bet the first thing you did was Google it to find out what it could be.

What if I told you that you can get pain in your body but the source of the pain is somewhere else!

What is referred pain?

Referral pain is pain that is perceived at a location other than the site of the painful stimulus. It can be caused by a number of things, such as nerve compression, organ issues or something more sinister.

What’s an example of referred pain?

For example, leg pain can be caused by nerve root compression in the low back, also called sciatica.

How can a physiotherapist help?

Physiotherapist can help find the source of your pain through a thorough physical assessment and diagnosis. We are musculoskeletal specialist with knowledge of clinical diagnosis.

What if it is something sinister?

Physiotherapist are trained to look for “red flags”. These are symptoms that will help screen for issues that more serious or outside our expertise.

An example of a red flag is losing feeling in the groin area and uncontrolled bowel function, which may be a sign of Cauda equina syndrome (a rare but serious neurological condition).

Team work makes the dream work.

If a physiotherapist screens you and finds something alarming, they should refer you off to a doctor or specialist. The best approach to your health is a multi-disciplinary team.

What can you do now?

If you're curious to know if your pain is coming from somewhere else or have any questions, click here to book or feel free to contact us on 0402 832 329 or email us at

Thank you for your time.

Your local physiotherapist,


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